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3 Types of Rashes and How They Develop

Posted on: May 12th, 2022 by Our Team

When a rash pops up, it’s never a pleasant sign. You can suffer from various types of rashes, each causing problematic symptoms and unsightly bumps or redness.

If you have a rash that comes on suddenly or keep getting the same type of rash, it’s crucial to seek medical treatment. The team at Beacon Dermatology in Asheville, North Carolina, are experts on your skin health and help you get to the bottom of your rash.

Dr. Mike Rains is our experienced dermatologist, offering quick evaluations and personalized treatments when you’re having an issue with your skin.

What are rashes?

A rash is a medical issue that involves your skin. When you have a rash, it often leads to problems on your skin, including redness, raised bumps, or dryness.

Rashes can pop up anywhere on your body but are common on your face, torso, and extremities. You can get a rash for many reasons, including a medical condition or an insect bite.

Some rashes are just a nuisance, while others are an actual threat to your health. For instance, hives are a severe rash that could indicate a serious allergic reaction.

Three types of rashes

There are many types of rashes that you can get, including contact dermatitis, Xerosis, and shingles. Every rash comes on for different reasons, so you must understand the underlying problem.

At Beacon Dermatology, we’re experts in all types of rashes, three of which include the following:


Psoriasis is a chronic problem that leads to a thick and scaly rash on different areas of your skin. It’s most common on your knees, elbows, scalp, and low back. You can also get psoriasis on your genitals.

When you have a psoriasis rash, you may notice your skin is very dry, discolored, and has a rough texture. You can inherit it from your parents or other family members with the same problem.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune problem where your body’s immune cells mistakenly attack healthy skin cells, leading to a scaly rash. In response to the increased inflammation, your body makes more new cells than it can shed, causing an excess buildup of cells leading to psoriasis.

Psoriasis causes milder itching than other conditions like eczema. You often get it on the face, scalp, knees, and elbows.


Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a genetic problem that often starts in childhood. If you suffer from seasonal allergies or asthma, you’re more likely to suffer from eczema. However, they typically grow out of it as they get older.

Other triggers for eczema include skin irritants like detergents, soaps, and other personal care products. Cold weather or arid conditions may also lead to an eczema outbreak.

Eczema often leads to severe itching that can become so bad you actually itch your skin until you bleed. It can occur almost anywhere on your body, but it is more common on the inside of your elbows and behind your knees.


Hives are a type of skin rash that may come on mysteriously and come and go without reasoning. Hives are also known as urticaria and pop up as raised red or skin-colored bumps that appear all over your body.

You can get hives from various triggers, including food allergens, insect bites, and extreme cold or heat. Hives also have a genetic component, meaning you’re more prone to allergies or illnesses that cause hives when it runs in your family.

Hives are a response to the histamine your body releases in an attempt to eliminate the allergen. Your body undergoes intense inflammation, which is why you end up with raised bumps on your body.

Treatment options for rashes

It’s always a good idea to get checked by our team when you have a rash you’re unsure of. It’s especially crucial to have Dr. Rains evaluate your rash, especially if it’s new and accompanied by other symptoms.

Dr. Rains listens to your symptoms and performs a detailed exam on the area you have a rash. He then customizes a treatment plan specifically for your inflammation and symptoms.

The best way for Dr. Rains to treat a rash is to get to the underlying cause. Eczema and psoriasis are treated similarly by controlling your immune response. Systemic medications and biological medications both work to control the inflammation that’s causing the rash.

Phototherapy is another treatment Dr. Rains offers for both eczema and psoriasis. You’re in front of a machine that produces UVB light during phototherapy. The light works to decrease itching and helps reduce bacteria on your skin.

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